Sunday, May 23, 2010

To Arkansas we went

We went to Jason and Katie's last weekend to visit and to go to a wedding. We spent Saturday afternoon riding bikes and burning energy from being in the car all morning. We brought the girls' bikes and scooters. They enjoyed J/K's street being very flat, where our's isn't so flat! We even talked Kailey into taking the training wheels off her bike. She tried and gave it her best effort. It will take more practice and building up of her confidence.

Jason and Katie also took the girls to to the Wild Wilderness Drive Through Safari, you can check it out  here. Their pictures and videos are posted up on the Shutterfly site. You can look here. Thanks Jason for adding the pictures and videos that way. Hope its easier for all of us! Thanks also for a great weekend. It was fun and good to get away. And our proof we were at a wedding. :)

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