Sunday, May 13, 2012

Mother's Day

It takes a village to raise a child.

I am a fan of Beth Moore. I read her blog often. The blog post created these thoughts this week as Mother's Day approached.

I thought about the moms that came along side my Mom to help raise me. I thought about moms from when I was young and when I was a young adult. It lead me to realize how the church had played a role in her village. Not only were village mom interactions at church-as I think about stories I've heard from those watching me in the nursery, the church provided friendships of village moms. I thought about those village moms that are still moms to me.

I about the village I left. I thought my list was quite short, it really isn't. I realized how I was limiting my list to Missouri only. I thought about another village I left in Omaha.

I thought about the village the was starting to come up around me in our new place. Every friendship has been ordained before me. Some have been slowly coming. Others have been instant. Every one for a purpose.

I thought about the village moms I don't know names to, but teach or love on my kids at church and school. I wondered what other the village moms are still to come in my life.

I would do injustice to not acknowledge the Facebook village. While friends from different parts of life, we are doing life together still. My village is huge.

Thank you Lord, for the village it took to raise me and still raise me. Thank you for the village coming around me.

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